Empowering Education: The Power of Parent Involvement and Collaborative Partnerships

Empowering Education: The Power of Parent Involvement and Collaborative Partnerships

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the role of parents in shaping their child’s academic journey is more crucial than ever. We are not talking about the kind of parent involvement where you attend parent-teacher conferences or school events, it goes much beyond them. It encompasses a collaborative partnership between parents, educators, and educational institutes to foster student success.

By actively engaging in their child’s education, parents can create a positive impact that extends far beyond the classroom walls. So, what are the significant benefits that arise from parent involvement?

Enhanced Academic Performance

One of the most significant advantages of parent involvement in education is its direct correlation with improved academic achievement. Research conducted by the Harvard Family Research Project revealed that students with actively engaged parents exhibit higher grades, better attendance rates, and increased motivation to succeed academically.

When parents engage in their child’s education, they provide crucial support, encouragement, and guidance, which helps students develop strong study habits, motivation, and a thirst for knowledge. Such students also attend school regularly and have better social skills. All of these are strong indicators of good performance in schools.

Improved Behaviour & Cognitive Development

Parent involvement has a direct influence on student behaviour and social skills, creating a positive school climate conducive to learning. Students with actively involved parents exhibit fewer behavioural issues, and have a higher likelihood of completing homework assignments.

When parents emphasize the importance of attendance, punctuality, and respectful behaviour, students internalize these values, leading to improved classroom conduct. Furthermore, regular communication between parents and teachers can address any potential issues promptly such as absenteeism, substance abuse, and delinquency, fostering a supportive and respectful learning environment for all students.

According to a comprehensive study published in the Journal of Educational Research, children whose parents are actively engaged in their education demonstrate enhanced cognitive abilities, including critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and language development.

Increased Motivation & Self-Esteem

When parents take an active interest in their child’s education, it instills a sense of encouragement, motivation, and self-confidence in the child. These students feel supported, valued, and are more willing to take on academic challenges. This leads to increased and persistent efforts, which results in higher engagement in academic pursuits and ultimately contributing to their overall success.

Moreover, by providing positive reinforcement, celebrating achievements, and offering guidance, parents nurture a growth mindset in their children, fostering resilience and a belief in their own abilities.

Strengthened Parent-School Partnership

Parent involvement builds a strong bridge between home and school, creating a collaborative partnership that benefits both students and educators. Effective communication channels and opportunities for involvement allow parents to better understand the school’s expectations, curriculum, and their child’s progress. This partnership leads to increased parental satisfaction and trust in the education system.

Such engaged parents actively participate in school activities, such as parent-teacher associations or volunteer programs, and become more connected with the school community, leading to a greater sense of ownership and commitment to their child’s education.

As with everything else, this works both ways. When parents eagerly involve themselves in their child’s studies, they will be keen on sharing their views, concerns, and feedback (both positive and negative) about the institution. As educators, it is our responsibility to listen to this feedback and make changes to the system if required.

Now that we have seen the benefits of parent involvement, we should think about how to facilitate this involvement. New-age intelligent platforms such as Deetya makes it easier for parents and institutes to connect and collaborate.

How Deetya Helps Foster Parent-School Collaboration

Deetya is built with Collaboration as one of its core principals alongside Personalization and Creativity. The product emphasizes collaboration among students, students and teachers, and teachers and parents.

Let’s look at some of the ways how Deetya plays a catalyst in developing parent-school partnerships.

Real-time Dashboards

Typically, parents have to wait until the Open Day or Result Day to learn how their child is performing in school. Why is this bad? How will parents offer their support if they don’t know where their child needs support?

Deetya wants to bring in more transparency to the system. Through Deetya, parents can see real-time performance of their child every single day. Now, we can only imagine what this will do to improve child’s performance in areas where they have scope for doing better. Thus, Deetya warrants active parent involvement in child’s education through real-time performance data.

Instant Notification

This feature is a saviour when it comes to emergency and panic situations.

For example, there’s been an emergency in the city like a flood or a cyclone warning and the schools have to be shut abruptly. All the school authorities have to do is send across an instant notification to parents via the Deetya app asking them to come pick up their child.

Instant notifications functionality gives institutes the confidence that they can be in touch with the parent community at the click of a button, and parents can rest assured if there’s an emergency situation, the schools will reach out to the. So, there’s less ambiguity and anxiety on both sides.

Video Conferencing with Parent Community

When teachers want to conduct in-person and virtual meeting with a parent or a group of parents, they can do so conveniently by scheduling the meet on Deetya. Parents too can request for meetings with teachers using Deetya.

At times, when parent cannot visit the institute due to any reason, they have the flexibility to attend meetings, events, and gatherings virtually using Deetya’s video conferencing capability.

Building Strong Trinity of Students, Teachers, & Institutes

In conclusion, the benefits of parent involvement in education are undeniable. The positive impact of parental involvement on academic achievement, cognitive development, motivation, behavior, and social skills is well-documented. By collaborating with educators, participating in school activities, and fostering a nurturing learning environment at home, parents empower their children to thrive academically and become lifelong learners.

Parents Should Define What Involvement Means to Them

It’s important to note that parent involvement looks different for every family and every school. What’s important is finding a way for parents to be involved that works for them and their children.

For example, some may be comfortable reading to their children every day, some might take keen interest in homework and assignments, some might have some suggestions for teachers regarding a subject they have expertise in, while some might offer to arrange for field trips.

Really, the opportunities for getting involved are endless which we will begin to see only when we have the mindset of collaboration as opposed to complaining and criticism.

We are not saying that parents should tolerate every policy of an institute even if they are not happy with it. They should and must share their constructive criticism and the institutes must take them into consideration. However, it should be done from a place for improving learning outcomes for their child.

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